In mid-2022, under the Government of Alberta’s new Liability Management Framework, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) implemented an Inventory Reduction Program (described in AER Directive 088: Licensee Life-Cycle Management). The program involves setting industry-wide closure spend targets or the so called “Mandatory Spend”. The bulletin provided the following additional details paraphrased below:
The 2022 and 2023 target and the forecast spend for the following years is as follows:
Each oil and gas licensee in Alberta with inactive wells and facilities is required to meet an individual annual mandatory target. In setting licensee-specific targets, the AER considers the licensee’s proportion of the total industry inactive liability and the licensee’s financial health, determined using financial information provided under Directive 067: Eligibility Requirements for Acquiring and Holding Energy Licences and Approvals. The AER reminded licensees that financial submissions under Directive 067 (Schedule 3) must be submitted within 180 days after fiscal year end.
Licensee-specific targets for 2023 were visible by July 31, 2023, within the AER OneStop online utility. Licensees were permitted to commit to a voluntary closure spend target more than their mandatory target to qualify for incentives.
Further information about the Inventory Reduction Program, closure targets (mandatory and voluntary), and incentives for committing to a voluntary target is available in the AER Directive 088 and Manual 023: Licensee Life-Cycle Management.
With respect to the Mandatory Spend Targets, we have a number of significant, specific areas of expertise where we can provide assistance. Cogent is very experienced with all of types of environmental project work which will qualify toward mandatory spend targets. We can complete all aspects of project, field and reporting work as well as cost tracking and cost reporting and can specifically provide support to smaller and medium size producers as follows:
If you would like to discuss your environmental programs and how to achieve mandatory spend targets, or get a review of ARO numbers or current liability status, please contact Peter Rose at 403-681-2972 or peter.rose@cogentenv.ca.
Cogent Environmental Solutions provides an integrated and comprehensive series of cost-effective and safety-conscious environmental consulting services.
Environmental projects undertaken by Cogent are designed to meet the specified requirements of our clients and regulators and are developed on a site-specific basis. Cogent maintains a project management database to document the progress of each project, landowner and client comments, projects costs and safety elements.
Our company service lines primarily focus on environmental site assessment and characterization, spill cleanup, groundwater investigations, site remediation and reclamation, AEP/AER mandated investigations, environmental liability assessments, reporting and project management. Due to continued growth, Cogent has immediate openings.
Cogent Environmental is always seeking new talent to add to the strength of our existing team. If you are an experienced environmental professional and would like to discuss opportunities please contact us.
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